Panu Halme to strengthen Luontoa’s biodiversity expertise

Docent, conservation biologist and university lecturer Panu Halme has started as an advisor at Luontoa Consulting. Halme will continue his full-time position at the University of Jyväskylä in research and teaching, but wants to increasingly use his vast experience and expertise to catalyse and support the implementation of sustainability breakthrough in business.

Halme has been involved in numerous research projects where the primary research questions have revolved around investigating the impacts of various sectors to nature capital and to develop solutions for nature positive business practices. Recently, one of the most important research topics for Halme has been around the development of practices for biodiversity offsetting. Halme is actively working on solutions for cost-effective conservation and nature value driven management of forests.

– Luontoa’s vision is to develop solutions to halt biodiversity loss. We believe that companies and the entire business community have a big role to play in this. It is a great opportunity for us to welcome a top researcher like Panu Halme to support our work and to strengthen the cooperation between the scientific community and companies in realizing the sustainability breakthrough. Panu is a widely respected researcher and a courageous social debater. It is a great honour for us at Luontoa that we get to work together with Panu, says CEO of Luontoa Consulting, Inka Musta.

Panu Halme is also looking forward to the cooperation.

– It is clear that companies play a significant role in solving the biggest challenges of our time, the biodiversity loss and the climate crisis. I have followed the rapid change with interest and sparred the business field in finding better solutions from the sidelines. Now I wanted to participate in the transformation of the business field from the inside as well, both to understand the field better and to bring my own know-how to society’s use even better than before. Luontoa was a natural place for me to begin this work, as the company has from the very beginning wanted to achieve real, meaningful results and participate in concretely contributing to securing a brighter future for this unique planet of ours.

Luontoa Consulting is an agile, capable and ambitious partner for organizations of all sizes in implementing their own sustainability breakthrough. We are adept with the requirements of corporate sustainability and know how to reconcile them with business goals. Our particular expertise is nature solutions for companies and the involvement of stakeholders in the development of corporate sustainability work.

More information:
Panu Halme, advisor, +35840 805 4945, panu.halme[at]

Inka Musta, CEO, +358 40 634 9900, inka[at]
